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Permalink 2021 SG101 MP3 Compilation

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Brian? Will everyone's favorite compilation in this year? I want it, I love it Big Grin

Edit from admin: yes!!! This is a go! See this news story for all the details and upload your track here making sure to pick the "2021 SG101 MP3 Compilation" category.

Last edited: Dec 19, 2021 10:37:55

Moved to the Website forum.

Yeah I'm kinda running out of gas here. Is there interest in a compilation?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

Yes! Last year’s had a lot of entries. I wish I knew the coding crap to help you out man, I really do. You’re doing the lord’s work.

I like that this forum is old school. No need to update anything or add any features.

Daniel Deathtide

Yes for sure.

I like these compilations, but I don't like to add to your workload Brian.

Like Deathtide says I wish there was some way to help out.

Sounds like fun to me. Count us in if you are interested and have the time, Brian.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I'm in, got some ideas, but all contingent on Brian's timeframe and availability. Bri already does so much just hosting this site!!


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)

YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Ok let's do it! I'll try to get something setup this weekend.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks Brian!
I will try to contribute again, too.

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

Ok this is ready to go! I've added some details to the first post in this thread and the news story on the front page (also linked in the first post) has the rules.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Let me know if you’d like a bassline for your contribution this year. I’ll play the notes you want, or I’ll come up with something to match your song. PM me if interested.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

Thanks, Brian. You're a saint.

SWEEET!! Right, better drag out the Strats and fire the Vox up...Its perfect Surf Music weather here Down Under! thanks Brian for getting the ball rolling once again!

I'm in! Thank you, Brian.


"...enjoy every sandwich." -Warren Zevon

Fender Stratocaster American Pro II
Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue

Just confirmed with Jim. Agent Octopus is in. We are digging through the archives for something that we've always wanted to finish. Thanks for the extra time!


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)

YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

We have an entry already from DeathTide!!!

01 - DeathTide "Missylou"

Thanks Dan (and your inbox here is full FYI)!

Merry Christmas all!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Two more very nice tracks!

02 - The Baikal Surfers "Failsafe"
03 - ldk "Please, Please Me"

Thanks Baikal Surfers and ldk!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks a heap, Brian, for making the extra effort... I thought it might've been too late.. but 'tis great to see we already have some contributions from our dedicated members.

'...and awaaaay we go'!

I'm as free from money as a frog is from feathers

Last edited: Dec 28, 2021 02:10:16

I gotta dig through my demos for the year. Lotsa new stuff... If I don't contribute, I will certainly listen to every track. So bring your best!

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New very nice new track today:

04 - Chartophylacium "Holo ka nalu"

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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