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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Looking for an organ/piano player Bristol UK

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I'm putting a new surf instrumentals band together and looking for an organ/piano/keyboard player to complete the line up which currently consists of drums, bass, rythym and lead guitars.
We write and play original tunes with some scope for the odd cover here and there.
Based in Bristol UK so ideally looking for someone fairly local for a rehearsal once every couple of weeks and regular shows.

Please get in touch if you want to have a jam some time.



Tell me you're going to do a pirate schtick. ;)

Cranium wrote:

Tell me you're going to do a pirate schtick. ;)

Haha! Yes, there's scope for that, too! Surf ahoy, matey!

Wish I still lived in Bath. I'd give you a holler for sure.
Good luck!

Cranium wrote:
Ah, that's a shame! Where do you live now? Many thanks.

Left Coast of the USA.

Wish I lived in Bath too, what a beautiful place. Big Grin

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

DannySnyder wrote:

Wish I lived in Bath too, what a beautiful place. Big Grin

Bath is beautiful, yes, but it’s not Bristol. I am somewhat biased, I have to admit.

Los Fantasticos

Cranium wrote:

Left Coast of the USA.

California is where I was born. Loved growing up there. Such a beautiful state. Lived in Oregon for a few years too. Great memories

Last edited: Nov 20, 2021 06:22:25

I prefer Bristol to Bath. I have fun memories of travelling up to Bristol to Sk8 & Ride on a Sunday to ride the vert ramp, occasionally popping over to Bedminster for some concrete fix.

I never had a dull night out in Bristol, I've always found it a friendly, fun place and miss it since my friend moved off to France.

Good luck with the band - we're based down in Plymouth

da-ron wrote:

I prefer Bristol to Bath. I have fun memories of travelling up to Bristol to Sk8 & Ride on a Sunday to ride the vert ramp, occasionally popping over to Bedminster for some concrete fix.

I never had a dull night out in Bristol, I've always found it a friendly, fun place and miss it since my friend moved off to France.

Good luck with the band - we're based down in Plymouth

Thanks. Hoping to be up and gigging in a few months.

I have lived in both Bath and Bristol. Two very different cities, for sure. I think I prefer Bristol. Well, I actually live in Keynsham so I'm kind of in between now!

Digging the Waterboarders by the way.

da-ron wrote:

I prefer Bristol to Bath. I have fun memories of travelling up to Bristol to Sk8 & Ride on a Sunday to ride the vert ramp, occasionally popping over to Bedminster for some concrete fix.

I never had a dull night out in Bristol, I've always found it a friendly, fun place and miss it since my friend moved off to France.

Good luck with the band - we're based down in Plymouth

PS, I too spent much of my teen years skating down at Dean Lane! Great times.

Uh oh. I didn't mean to cast aspersions on Bristol. I only made it as far as Bath on my UK trip. I'm sure I'd love Bristol too. Actually, anywhere I can get real cask ale is a paradise to me Cheers

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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