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Permalink Check out my band’s demo, track 1!

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I am a long time bass player who switched to
guitar about a year and ten months ago. I started a surf band in March. We just recorded a demo and this the first track. Let me know what you think!

Pretty good sound over all. May want to research and rethink chords played at 45 seconds and 1:55. Break should be A7, D7, THEN G (G7) and then E. not sure what you guys are playing, but it's the wrong chords and notes. Fix that and you're good to go.


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)

YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

ok thanks, I will look into it.

The guitar sound is great, but to me the drums sound kind of sterile and lifeless - maybe they could use some reverb on the snare and some EQ tweaking.

You want to know what we think here?

Hm... I could not listening complete, sorry.
I know your other videos with trying to play songs...
You even played "Movin´" wrong...

This song above: Bad timing, wrong playing, wrong feeling in the melody..
Anything is wrong...
Anyone can hear that you never practice with a metronome. (but most people don´t tell you, we all know...)
My suggestion: Back to guitar, work with a metronome please!
AND: You can get CORRECT tablatures EVERYWHERE in the internet, "how to play" videos on youtube. Do you WANT to play it wrong???

This is what I think. No, serious, I guess, you don´t hear your mistakes.

My suggestion (I told you before, but you don´t want to hear and learn.) is: Practice every day with metronome!!!
And: Please get a guitar teacher.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

When I started guitar playing I was on a same level.
Then I had a guitar teacher. A jazz guitarist. He told me how to play surf songs and how to arrange and work with my song ideas.
I wanted to learn Ventures songs, Man or Astroman and Slacktone and so on... he told me. After a year with daily practicing EVERY day 3 to 4 hours I was ready for a band. Then I started The Kilaueas. But the process of learning the basics of hearing and playing is necessary. You need time for it, yes. Take the time.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Eh. Gee thanks

Last edited: Nov 13, 2020 13:32:51

No idea what Ralf is listening to. My understanding is that you posted this as a demo, not a cd release so the comments should be constructive but not venture into the destructive.

So first, the lead work, although not completely note for note to the original composition, is pretty close, and close enough to the beat. Your goal in surf is to FEEL the music, not play it perfect and regurgitate it note for note like the original. Otherwise, you are a technician and should play in a cover band. Playing behind, ahead or on the beat of a guitar line to fit a song is a matter of taste and your own personal style. I play behind the beat constantly on the mid/slow tempo songs: it creates feel. A robot can play on the beat and bend every note to perfection. Surf Rider is definitely one song that behind the beat can give some feel to the song.

So you need to decide on your style of playing, your tone for playing and your band's vision. You may decide to play with lots of reverb and crunch which typically hides fingering and attack mistakes. It's your decision. So this is definitely a good first effort. I really like how the bass line created a unique take on the song and you will get better with practice and time. BUT if you want to get really good, a seasoned teacher is the way to go.

If you decide that this is your life's passion and you want to hang your hat next to Ralf's, then invest in a teacher, spend a good portion of your life practicing and don't separate from the herd.



MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)

YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Last edited: Nov 14, 2020 21:01:10

ArtS wrote:

No idea what Ralf is listening to. My understanding is that you posted this as a demo, not a cd release so the comments should be constructive but not venture into the destructive.

So first, the lead work, although not completely note for note to the original composition, is pretty close, and close enough to the beat. Your goal in surf is to FEEL the music, not play it perfect and regurgitate it note for note like the original. Otherwise, you are a technician and should play in a cover band. Playing behind, ahead or on the beat of a guitar line to fit a song is a matter of taste and your own personal style. I play behind the beat constantly on the mid/slow tempo songs: it creates feel. A robot can play on the beat and bend every note to perfection. Surf Rider is definitely one song that behind the beat can give some feel to the song.

So you need to decide on your style of playing, your tone for playing and your band's vision. You may decide to play with lots of reverb and crunch which typically hides fingering and attack mistakes. It's your decision. So this is definitely a good first effort. I really like how the bass line created a unique take on the song and you will get better with practice and time. BUT if you want to get really good, a seasoned teacher is the way to go.

If you decide that this is your life's passion and you want to hang your hat next to Ralf's, then invest in a teacher, spend a good portion of your life practicing and don't separate from the herd.


Hi Art,

HE asked what we think about. I answered.
No one asked you what you think about my thoughts.

Anyway, you are right of course, surf music is a kind of feeling the music
(but I guess this is the same with EVERY kind of music!?).
Playing like a machine kills every music. (maybe if you are playing EBM, a kind of Techno style music or something, it´s good to play like a machine...)
Once I left the band Los Apollos, because the drummer didn´t get the surf beat drum feeling at all. He played like a machine, like a metronome... ..and some more reasons for going...

I am also way beyond playing correct in time everywhere. I am still learning and practicing.
Some people prefer even recording with a "click", a metronome in studio.
So it´s nothing new that something like this can kill the feeling of the music. I like playing live in studio.
And, you suggest the same, he should take a teacher. Yes. He should.
Sometimes you need someone who kicks your ass maybe? When everyone is saying things like "Awesome", "great sound", "great playing" and so on... this will not help. Compliments and positive thinking is good, yes! And a helpful kick in the ass also.
Alright, have fun everyone!

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Sorry I got a bit steamed. Good comments.

Here is a pretty good tab and video on surf rider. Just to help you get the middle eight part down.

Best of luck!


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)

YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Ralf. You are not helpful, you are a dick. ArtS. Thank you for the encouragement.

The art of listening is underrated.

Whoa Sonic, let's not escalate. Everyone here has their own take. I think Ralf was just giving you tough love. Sometimes I need that too.

Keep moving forward, do your best and don't be hesitant to post future demos. Feel free to PM me before you post your next demo so I don't miss it.

Now I'm out to watch my Washington (fill in name here) Football Team lose again!!! Big Grin


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)

YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf


Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Hey Sonic Blue,
I'd like to focus on the recording itself. Something to try would be reducing the amount of brickwall limiting/heavy pumping and squashing compression on the lead guitar. If this just a quick demo, then np and please disregard. I am not saying that my own method is bulletproof or even correct, but what I try to accomplish is a bit of soft limiting and compression on each individual instrument track and then when "mastering" it to 2-channel, only use limiting and compression sparingly...along with that, you can add a touch of reverb onto the entire mix that softens it up slightly and makes it sound like all the instruments were recorded in the room together at the same time.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Please no personal attacks and name calling. There are lots of FB surf groups you can do that on if you like. Thanks!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

Brian wrote:

Please no personal attacks and name calling. There are lots of FB surf groups you can do that on if you like. Thanks!

Yes. Would be good to delete this thread complete best.. my opinion.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

I don’t think this should be deleted at all. People should realize who they are asking when they upload. You are not playing a demo for your friends, this is a semi-professional community of aficionados. Take a listen to some of the downloads, they are very slick. Why do you think I never upload anything and ask what people think?

Only after hearing other peoples songs on this site did I really realize how unprofessional my playing was.

I think Ralf’s style is a bit offputting, but remember he is not American. You are playing this music to the entire world, and everyone has different standards of communication. If you think he is being a dick because he had criticisms of your music, as well as evidence to back those opinions up, you are not ready to upload anything.

Thicken your skin and thicken your calluses, and then please come back.

Daniel Deathtide

Don’t gaslight me. There are ways of being constructive and there are ways of saying things that come from a place of negativity. It is what it is.

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