Real neat way to fatten up drums without getting louder or losing dynamics. I even tried it on a Reason file the band has been working on.
I applied this method to the kick and the snare tracks and then mixed them back in. Even Reason programmed drums sound big.
Try this.
Record the kick as clean as possible with NO compression or FX's. Then add the compression with a plug in so it is set with no delay in the attack and a very fast release and squeeze the crap out of the signal. Bounce that to a new channel. Remove the compression from the first channel and add the new channel to it until the desired effect is reached. Here is a sample of fattening up a drum track using this method
(note about tune) We're starting work on some new tunes and this is how Tom and I do some of the arranging. I don't have to explain everything, just hand over the CD with their part and say 'play it like this' So don't laugh it just a sketch pad. The CD will be all real folks when it's finished.