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Permalink FRV-1 vs. Flint vs. Fender Tank vs. Surfy Bear vs. G-Spring

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Here ya go, Surf Skater, the Danelectro

A couple cheapo pedals
Donner True Bypass Surge Rotater Reverb Effect Pedal, $52 amazon
Both are rated 4 stars by people we don't know.

Then there is the ugliest pedal by Hot One, this green dorky looking thing

For the most part, when we had the same pan plugged in we couldn't tell the difference between my friend's Fender '63 reissue and the Surfy Bear.

The pans made a big difference though, with my preference going to the Korean Accutronics and my friend's going to the Mod pan.

The Accutronics was brighter with a shorter decay, and the Mod was mellower with a longer decay, more cavernous sounding. If Dick Dale type sounds are your preference, go for the Accutronics.

Didn't bother bring the Boss pedal to my friend's house.

Interesting... Isn't it great that we can discuss spring reverb rather by pan vs. pan than by tube vs. FET...? Smile

I'm really looking forward to Bjoern's decay extension - A mellow MOD pan, cleaned up with shorter decay, would hit the nail right on the head for me...

Last edited: Jun 23, 2015 00:14:19

Pic from reverb seminar at surfer joe



Audio and video will follow! It was hot in there, but we had a lot of fun and reverb, of course.

The Hicadoolas

Are you sure it isn't pronounced "Ho-Tone?"

DaveF wrote:

Here ya go, Surf Skater, the Danelectro

A couple cheapo pedals
Donner True Bypass Surge Rotater Reverb Effect Pedal, $52 amazon
Both are rated 4 stars by people we don't know.

Then there is the ugliest pedal by Hot One, this green dorky looking thing

Squink Out!

bigtikidude wrote:

Pic from reverb seminar at surfer joe


That looks like it was a blast! One weird discovery I just made. I recently acquired a used brown re-issue and have now tried 4 pans in it! Here's the weird part. The last tank I tried was a small,short,3 spring belton/accutronics tank with a 'medium' decay ['2 code].Of the 4 pans it has by far the most cavernous,expansive reverb.Its alot less sensitive to vibration so its impossible to hit it and make it crash, but that's perfect for bouncy,outdoor stages.I know my recent posts are all over the map as each pan I've tried has been a step up from the stock accutronics.
But this short belton 3 spring unit is the one I'm going to use.
Here's what I've tried:
1]Stock silver accutonics- harsh, clangy high end
2]80's gold long pan accutroncs 3 spring organ pan, big improvement over stock, but maybe a bit diffused and less surfy
3] 80's gold accutronics 2 spring. This one looks nearly identical to the stock pan except for its gold color.Really would have stopped here as it sounded just about perfect but exhibited a harsh distortion on notes that had a hard,pecusssive attack. Really had to dig in for this to be a problem but it was annoying non the less.
4] New production, short pan, 3 spring belton unit. 8AB2D1A Wow! The reverb really came alive this time. With mix and dwell at 4 its as deep as the others with the dwell/mix at 7 and the tone pot seems to be perfectly voiced for it. Immune to physical vibration. I screwed it directly to the baffle board as there's no need for the foam/tank lock or spring mounting.

So, how is it that a short,medium decay pan sounds better than 3 long pans? Confused

Kilian, any update on video and audio from the MEGA comparison at Surfer Joe?

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio


Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 02:41:52

JONPAUL wrote:

Kilian, any update on video and audio from the MEGA comparison at Surfer Joe?

In progress. Afaik Chris is editing the video at the moment. We are a little bit behind schedule. The plan was to release it in October. Stay tuned, it will be worth it.

The Hicadoolas

Thanks Kilian! Looking forward to it! Thumbs Up

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

This was an awesome post!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


We want the video of that seminar on YouTube! Yes Yes

Hi guys,

The full video from the seminar is still not ready but here is my presentation of Surfy Bear Reverbs from SJSF2015:

Bjorn, you literally brought Reverb for the masses!

Is it the SGV copy you'v made playing the intro?

Mark2Bra wrote:

Bjorn, you literally brought Reverb for the masses!

Agree This is an era-defining moment. My Gomez goes nowhere but this is scientifically a consumerist enabler in a huge way.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Thanks guys Smile
I am sorry for my bad english, I hope the video was understandable.

I used my home-built Firebird-Jazzmaster on the intro.
My SGV project is very slow, its almost finished.

Sweet video, Björn!
Agree with the sentiments... a reverb revolution is going on here. Cool

Modest as always! The video is great, as is the whole project.


bjoish wrote:

Thanks guys Smile
I am sorry for my bad english, I hope the video was understandable.

I used my home-built Firebird-Jazzmaster on the intro.
My SGV project is very slow, its almost finished.

The Scimitars

Great video! Great invention!

The Kahuna Kings

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