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Permalink startup band in colorado springs?

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Hey there - the Royal Aces will be back in Monument playing for the 15th anniversary of the Rosie's Diner car show on July 26. If you stop by, please be sure to come up and say hello.

I'll ask my friend Steve who I grew up with in Colorado Springs and see if he would be interested. I had a band in High School called "The Flaming Renobs" and while Steve was not a part of this band, he would often open or "close" for us as he said. I'm sure he's a very talented guitarist by now. IM me your contact info and I'll see if he's interested.


fenderfan wrote:

Hey there - the Royal Aces will be back in Monument playing for the 15th anniversary of the Rosie's Diner car show on July 26. If you stop by, please be sure to come up and say hello.

My fourth child is due on July 25, so I am doubtful that I will be there. However, I will try and stop by. Smile

Wish I owned/could fly a small-engine plane so I could fly out there-n-back once a week, as it sure would beat that drive from Manhattan, KS.

I made a conscience decision in a semi-conscious state

Yes, the birth of a child would take juuuust a little priority over a surf band show. Congratulations in advance!

Thx! How was the show?

Horax! I'm 4 1/2 miles from the beach and I still can't find anyone interested in a surf band. Go figure.... Hmmm

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

still lookin'

Good luck Horax, keep at it! I'm in Cleveland and looking.

My brother lives near Denver, but he's not into surf!! Mountain climbing yes, surf, no! Ha! Wink

Sorry, I missed your post that asked about the Rosie's Diner show - it was just a great event and enjoyable gig.

We're playing this Friday night, Oct. 2 at the Roadhouse Grill, 2035 S. Sheridan, if you happen to be up in the Denver area. No problem if that's not good, though!

thanks for the invite!
i'll have to check the schedule. Smile

bump from Horax from Muddy

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

new years bump

Bumping again.

I swear man, people in my town only play metal and country.
Not that there's anything wrong wtih that, but still....

Yes, there is something very, very wrong with that. It's not your fault, it's the culture. It helps to realize that surf musicians as such are so rare as to be a virtually non-existent category. The only path forward is the proselyte's, i.e., convincing new people that they want to play surf.

Squink Out!

aaaaaaaaaaaaand bump

Same problem here in Memphis, horax. We need a drummer and a rhythm player, but it is proving to be a very difficult task. Laughing - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

Somebody on Craigslist right now looking to start a band in Denver.

yearly bumpage

my town really sucks

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