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Springfield, Oregon

Posted on Mar 29 2006 07:38 PM
Moshay Pick: hard nylon with the cool "never-drop" grip hole drilled straight through them...excellent for "Miserlou" style...works great for bass playin' too...
hard to find, but worth the search.
they might still have them over at Interstate music:
I use Moshay nylon picks too. The blue ones for double-picking, and the red or green ones (I'm forgetful as well as color-blind) for pretty much everything else.
When the tips get rounded-off, I like to point them up a little by sanding them with a little rubber sanding wheel chucked in my tabletop drill press.
The only complaint I have about them is that because of their translucent color, they take on the color of anything you set them down on which makes it real hard to see 'em.
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The Vatican

Posted on Mar 29 2006 11:59 PM
For sheer fwip (the initial attack of a reverb spring), I use the softest Fender 351 Thin I can find. Other than that, I use either a 351 Medium, or sometimes a piece of Zildjian cymbal, cut to the same shape. Fastest pick on the planet, and an almighty sharp sound, too.
Older players here may recall the Min'd pick, endorsed by John Dougherty. Made of stone, and polished to jewel-like standards, it was fast, but sounded much more like a celluoid pick. To bad they broke easily when dropped.
(copyright 2003, Bruce Welch)
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Mar 30 2006 10:46 AM
The only complaint I have about them is that because of their translucent color, they take on the color of anything you set them down on which makes it real hard to see 'em.
recently, I have found some black nylon Moshay's...they are near impossible to locate when you set them on your Black Tolex amp on a dark stage!
on the plus side, I forgot to mention that I am never really without a Moshay pick...I never search for one...since there's a hole in 'em, they easily hang on my keychain...
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Southwest Florida

Posted on Mar 30 2006 07:19 PM
For the past 5 years I've used the Fender Medium "shell" pick that Turnip posted. Before that I switched around alot, and decided to just stick with the Fender's for awhile. Just in the past few weeks I've been looking for a new pick. Lately I've been switching between Dunlop Tortex Green .88mm and Dunlop Tortex Purple 1.14mm. I'm not sure which one I really like yet. I prefer the Purple for trem picking as it hangs up less on the string for me. But, the Green is more comfortable for standard playing. So, the jury is still out on this...
— I'm Batman...No not <I>that</I> Batman. :p
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Posted on Apr 05 2006 09:08 AM
look what I've found .... don't play/sound bad either!

— Rules to live by #314:
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Posted on Apr 19 2006 09:40 PM
I have recently found that the jazz style picks Mike G reccomended are extremly good. I never tried them because i was primarily a rythm metal player in my old life and they are small in the hand, but for lead picking wow they are great.
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Jul 18 2006 01:02 AM
sad sad news:
Joe Moshay died last year, and word on the street says that Moshay picks may not be made anymore. What will I do?
They're all I've ever used!
Maybe the Moshay family will carry on with the "in-the-garage" production of the picks, or maybe they will sell the business and patents to someone like Dunlop or Fender so they can carry on production.
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San Francisco

Posted on Jul 18 2006 05:47 AM
Since this thread has popped back up (or should I say "picked" back up... and cut me some slack, it's 3:45 am here), I wanted to toss a few more pennies into the fountain....
First, back in the original post I talked about the "cat's tongue" picks, looks like they struck a distribution deal with Snarling Dog, and now can be found on Musician's Friend. Just search "snarling dog picks".
Second, I know people in the past have mentioned the "ultex" picks as supposedly being close to real tortoise shell. Anyone played them? Thoughts? I would like to hear a thing or two about them before I drop $2.50 on a test run.
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Posted on Jul 18 2006 06:44 AM
Second, I know people in the past have mentioned the "ultex" picks as supposedly being close to real tortoise shell. Anyone played them? Thoughts? I would like to hear a thing or two about them before I drop $2.50 on a test run.
I use dunlop ultexes (among others) - I think it's the tortex that are supposed to mimmick tortoise, ultex is a more modern material, I like 'em over tortex because they are more flexible, ar rather, have a different "flex-feel". they have the same kind of rough surface as the tortexes though.
2,50? both tortex and ultex are the same price as all the other dunlop picks here, and widely available in guitar stores.
I've been playin more with the pink dunlops (smooth surface) lately though, and those white ones with the surfers cross - they are inbetween ultex and the pink ones (forgot the name), surface-wise.
— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
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San Francisco

Posted on Jul 18 2006 01:35 PM
Hey Wannes,
I have played tortexes before, and I always associated them more with being the standard "run of the mill" plastic guitar pick.
The ultex ones I'm talking about are these:
They say they're designed to feel and sound like the original tortoise shell picks, but some reviews say they wear in no time.
I'll stick with my glowing alien heads!
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Virginia, USA

Posted on Jul 18 2006 01:52 PM
Hey Wannes,
The ultex ones I'm talking about are these:
They say they're designed to feel and sound like the original tortoise shell picks, but some reviews say they wear in no time.
They do wear (which I like) but they wear real smooth and even, not bumpy like fender picks. I actually like the way they wear down a little and get broken-in real quick. But if that's not for you, you probably wouldn't like them. No other picks I've found feel as nice.
— Paul
Atomic Mosquitos
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Posted on Jul 18 2006 05:50 PM
Hey Wannes,
I have played tortexes before, and I always associated them more with being the standard "run of the mill" plastic guitar pick.
The ultex ones I'm talking about are these:
They say they're designed to feel and sound like the original tortoise shell picks, but some reviews say they wear in no time.
I'll stick with my glowing alien heads!
yeah those are the ultexes I meant too - with the rhinos.
well, musiciansfriend sure has its own opinion and doesn't just copy paste form the manufacturers' site, cause what MF says about ultex, dunlop says about tortex - in the ultex description there is no mention of real tortoise. check
that being said, the way I see it, tortex emulates both feel and sound of tortoise, while ultex sounds like tortoise but feels like a more modern, flexible pick. - they sound much alike and their surface is much alike.
yeah they wear fast - all picks wear fast! - the EBE aliens wear less fast, but sound completly different., much less snappy. it all depends on whether it works (soundwise) with the rest of the stuff, and what's the sound your after
— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
Last edited: Jul 19, 2006 02:13:04
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Posted on Jul 18 2006 05:58 PM
what I meant to add is, I guess this is how dunlop designed it - but I've never even seen a real tortoise pick, let alone played with one, so some guessing is involved.
— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
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Posted on Jul 21 2006 06:54 AM
well, whatever, I now use these. actually a pretty nice pick ( yeah they have thicker gauges)
dunlop tiki taboo picks:

— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
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Posted on Oct 25 2006 01:52 PM
I think Dunlop Gels sound the best, but they break too easily. I instantly notice the difference between those and tortex picks.
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Posted on Oct 25 2006 02:29 PM
I have to agree with Ivan on the dunlop .96 They are just the best picks ever!
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San Antonio, TX

Posted on Oct 25 2006 02:42 PM
I had been using Dunlop nylons 'til I switched to thicker strings and felt they were a little too thin. So I switched to these:
D'Andrea 330 1.5mm. I guess these are designed after an old Fender pick which was designed after an even older pick style from the 1930's. The Fender one was called the 330 HP which stood for Home Plate or House Pick. Kind of small and slippery, but I use a knife to score it or drill a hole in it and it's fine.
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Posted on Oct 25 2006 08:57 PM
for surf picking i like the jim dunlop usa nylon 1mm. they are stiff and easy to keep in my finger and thumb. for anything else fender mediums are good or (hate to admit this) the dickies picks are ok. but sometimes its to hard to switch when i stop playing surf so the dunlops get used alot more than the others. can also do more weird soundswith them. 
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Lancaster, CA

Posted on Oct 26 2006 01:49 AM
Orange tortex, 60 mm I believe. The great thing about the tortex material is that it takes ultra-fine Sharpie very well! Great for one-of-a-kind custom artwork. I still have a pick I've been using for years that says "FONZIE SUCKS". Don't ask.
— Dean(aka Moondevil)
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Posts: 270

Posted on Oct 26 2006 11:25 AM
I've got a stubby.
I like these Dunlops for fast playing. The plastic tip has a tendency to be very smooth when speed picking.
I've also been trying out the Fernandes Techra picks. I like them a lot as well. They glide over the strings quite nicely but allow you to dig in when you want to.
I also use a more standard flatpick and I've found the brand doesn't matter much. Lately I've been using these picks I got from The Ventures at the NAMM show.
I was using a white Jimmy Vaughan strat at rehearsal last Friday and had just removed the protective covering. I was using one of the red Ventures picks. At the end of the night I had red pick dust under the strings and visual evidence of what a guitar string does to a pick after an hour and a half of Surf shredding.
— There is Surf east of Sepulveda.