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Permalink Official Announcement, 3rd SG101 Convention Sat. Aug 7th 2010

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All I can say are that The Space Cossacks rule the world. Everyone sat on their butts the entire day. The Cossacks had the entire place on their feet pressed against the stage like an old school rock concert. What an absolutely amazing and powerful performance. Even the old school first wave guys were shaking their heads in amazement. Absolutely amazing performance!

I am not the most surfy guy... im more surf and turf.. BUT i am so jealous of the guys that got to go yesterday.. i spent the day at work thinkin bout it a bit:) and waiting for videos.. WTF where are the vids!

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

All I can say are that The Space Cossacks rule the world. Everyone sat on their butts the entire day. The Cossacks had the entire place on their feet pressed against the stage like an old school rock concert. What an absolutely amazing and powerful performance. Even the old school first wave guys were shaking their heads in amazement. Absolutely amazing performance!

Did anyone take any photo's??? Shit!! I was stuck on the 101 waiting for a tow-truck!!!

sun. morn. I am beat fuckin tired, and a bit hung over.
what an amazing last few days.
1 more big show to go, at Suzys today.
and of course, a few small bar shows, mon. wed. and thurs.

then the Exotics come from mid west, I may just collapse.

thanks for the kind words from everyone.
it really means so much.

draggin' ass


Great show yesterday! Thumbs up Jeff for spear-heading another awesome event. The absolute highlight of the show for me was seeing Tom Stanton of The Crossfires playing their tune, "Out of Control". Spot on! Talking to him after his set he said he actually went back and listened to the original recording he played on to get it just right. Very cool. I have some pics that I'll upload and post later.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I'm sitting on a small goldmine of videos I took with my new toy. I just sampled a few of them and I think they all turned out ok and the audio doesn't appear to be blown out or anything. So please pray that I and my laptop return home safely Monday afternoon. There is still the Suzy's show today for me and Don's tonight.

I have a lot of thoughts to write down about yesterday but it will have to wait. In the meantime, thanks so much to Jeff for setting it up, I had such an incredible day yesterday. It was so cool seeing all the familiar faces again and meetings some new people.

Special thanks to John Blair and Matt Q for setting up the legends jam, I really enjoyed that and felt I was seeing a glimpse into history.

Thanks again to Matt Q for the incredible gear backline!

And yes Tim, THE SPACE COSSACKS RULE THE WORLD. HOLEE CRAP!!!!!! Shocked Shocked Shocked

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Oh yeah Rock

You guy's are killing me!!! I spent me day in north Hollywood at the dealership. With a bad water pump!

Well said, Brian. I echo the accolades. Amazing day with many highlights to review. I hope to collect and add to the collection of pictures on Flickr and YT videos asap. More to come today at Suzy's! Here's to that man draggin his ass Wink

PHOTOS! click here!!!

There are a few from Don's on Friday night. The rest are from the Starting Gate yesterday.

Very Happy

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Brian & Laramie


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Liebe Freunde, dear friends,

these past days have been the most intense days for us, both as a band and personally. we heard so many great bands, so many brilliant musicians and met so many interesting people, we can hardly keep track of everything that has happened. (I mean it, if I seem to have forgotten someone"s name, please forgive me...)

It is a great thing to be a part of this thing, the surf music world, or whatchacallit, but it took us a s a band on to a higher level. we will bring many wonderful emotions, memories and a few inspirational thoughts for our future shows back to Germany.
(Also we had, have and will have a few hangovers....)

Again, big thanks to Jeff the BigTikiDude and all the wonderful souls that have helped bringing this thing into existence.

See you at Suzie"s or some of the later shows...

PHOTOS! click here!!!

There are a few from Don's on Friday night. The rest are from the Starting Gate yesterday.

:DThanks for the pic's!!!!!!! I feel better now!!!! Very Happy

PHOTOS! click here!!!

There are a few from Don's on Friday night. The rest are from the Starting Gate yesterday.

Very Happy
Great pictures TT. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks again to Matt Q for the incredible gear backline!

This year's equipment selection was a joint effort. Our goal this year was to provide an all rough blond/oxblood backline, and, except for a few reverb units, we did! John Benton graciously provided half of the bass rig (two 2X15 JBL cab's---it sounded great!), John Blair supplied his personal rig, and my PA, Showman and '62 Bassman definitely got a work-out. One reverb unit was DOA, but three more magically appeared to take its place! Imagine that! Other than a few funky cords, everything worked (except for a few pedal boards), and the show came in on time. Having so many great musicians playing through the stuff certainly gave me a lot of satisfaction, as did the many thanks we got for supplying the gear. You're welcome!

You're welcome!

Matt and all who provided the backline: Many,many, many Swami Bows. Everything worked and sounded FANTASTIC! Thanks so much!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

My brain is still mush from the last two days and it remains to be seen how many days if not weeks it'll be before I want to hear surf music again - all the hallmarks of a great weekend. It's really missing the point to compare this year's to any previous SG101 convention, and there were too many highlights to list off.

Friday night's show in San Diego was incredible, truly one of the best I've ever seen - all three bands were spot-on, AND LOUD. Definitely worth the trip for that. It was great to see everyone again and meet some new people. There's never enough time to talk and catch up, but that seems to always be the case. Thanks again for all the hard work, Jeff.

Roll on next year's convention!

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Still smiling from yesterday. What an awesome day!

A few personal highlights:
1) Meeting some of those amazing legends! In particular, Jim Masoner of The Lively Ones, which is one of my all time fave bands. What an awesome guy! 2) All the bands were great, but I really dug Surfside IV and Atomic Mosquitos's energy and vibe. I hope to see them again soon. 3) Catching up with some of you guys that I know and meeting other members. Everyone is so friendly! 4) Space Cossacks blew my mind. I've had their CDs for years and Madeira's too, but seeing them live is a completely different animal. So awesome! Not to mention that Ivan is in a league of his own. Holy cow watching him play was THE highlight of the day.

Anyways, it was great hanging with you all yesterday. Last year I was a bit reverbed out and couldn't listen to surf for a few weeks afterward, but this time I CANT STOP listening to it!!!

Thanks to all of you that put this together. It's because of folks like you that this music is still alive, and for that, I am forever appreciative! Smile

  • josheboy

wow. Can't wait to see the videos brian. Sounded like one hell of a weekend. Okay........So? how was the sg101 member jam. I'm dying to find out. So, Mom how did you do. I was praying that you weren't nervous. Where you?
Please tell...........

Good times! So cool to hang out with and chat with people in person from this site. Here's some of my pics from Saturday.

Jim Masoner of The Lively Ones and his Strat...


Clowning with Jim Masoner and my silver Jagmaster with P-90's. Maybe he was just being nice, but I was stoked that he noticed and thought it was cool!


Legends jam. Bob Spikard shows us how to play Pipeline with my drumming hero, Tim Fitzpatrick of The Lively Ones on drums...


Paying tribute to The Nocturnes with Jim Frias himself on sax and my buds Ran ,Danny and JP. Another major highlight for me... jamming with Jim Frias...


With Jim Frias, premiere surf sax man...


A major highlight of the show for me (and Garrett of The Ghastlies too) was legend Tom Stanton of The Crossfires playing his bands tune, "Out of Control". THEE tone, IMO.


Lorenzo from The Wadidli Riders singing KUK by The Astronauts. A real treat and a super cool guy and band...


The Finksville 5 with the "Don" of surf, Paul "The Godfather" Johnson...


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Last edited: Aug 08, 2010 21:55:19

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