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Permalink Episode #9 is Now Available: Cowabunga 5th Disc

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The Mythical 5th Cowabunga Disc

Greetings surf fans, the eagerly awaited next SG101 podcast has finally arrived. This episode we answer the question "If Rhino released a 5th disc to their Cowabunga Surf Box Set what would the song list be?" Here's our attempt to answer this. Also included is part 2 of our interview with Ted Pilgrim from Satan's Pilgrims!

Head on over to our podcast page to download it now. The podcast is in .m4a format. PC users can use the piece-of-junk Quicktime player, or the super awesome VLC media player, to listen. An .mp3 version is also available now. Enjoy!

A big thank you to Lady Reverb, Danny Snyder, Warren Binder, and Ted Pilgrim!

Track Listing:
* The Apes Of Wrath - The Space Cossacks
* Riptide - The Fathoms
* 7 Sisters, 7 Seas - Pollo Del Mar
* Extasy - Husky And The Sandmen
* Nokken Surfacing - The Beat Tornados
* The Red Scare - Infrareds
* Mysterioso - Slacktone
* Doheny Dawn - The Volcanos
* Rhino Chaser - The Nebulas
* Thunderhead - The Ghastly Ones
* Creature Feature - Satan's Pilgrims
* Catharsis - The Kilaueas
* Andromeda Sex Lounge - The Reventlos
* Type-D - Chum
* Tijuana Taco - Chum
* Sandstorm! The Madeira
* Tunisian Moon - Los Twang! Marvels
* Wild Jet Beach - Wild Sammy
* Ice Station Echo - Frankie & The Pool Boys
* Apache Trail - The Wet tones
* Celluloid Planetoid - Metalunas
* War of the Satellites - The Bomboras
* Mr. Midnight - The Huntington Cads
* Last Train - Surf Coasters
* Mirananda Treble Spankers
* Surfer's Anthem Evan Foster
* Drag-N-Fly Thunderchiefs
* Final Wave For The Day The Bambi Molesters

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Congrats to the bands who made the mythical 5th disc!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

cool deal,
will listen after I'm finished with the RFB surf Vs. Garage show.


by the way,
2 CHUM songs?


Just for you Jeff Twisted Evil

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Woohoo! Just like X-mas morning, I'm looking forward to getting it. Thanks again!


Great interview Warren/Ted!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Thanks, Ryan!

by the way,
2 CHUM songs?

Please note that they're featured as a new release, not as a part of the mythical Cowabunga 5th disc.

Also, please note the complete lack of Stan's Pilgrims jokes in either part of the podcast.

Damn right.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Please note that they're featured as a new release, not as a part of the mythical Cowabunga 5th disc.

Would it be possible to notate that on your playlist? For, um, your deaf listeners?

Also, please note the complete lack of Stan's Pilgrims jokes in either part of the podcast.

Cool! More room for them on RFB!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

hey you 2, play nice.


^^ All in good fun, I assure you.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

finally got around to listening to this.
great list of songs.


Yeah, these podcast are a real gift--I don't know how else I would be able to sample such a range of the best new surf music chosen by their own peers. I'm constantly introduced to more cool stuff than I can handle.

I especially appreciate the efforts of everyone involved who go the extra mile to make it such a pro sounding production on top of it! Great hosting by Lady Reverb as usual.

This is good stuff, here. Thanks for all the effort to put these out.


Awesome podcast once again!! Always makes me sad to have to wait for the next one... haha.

Another fine podcast. My primitive brain actually forgot the first half of Ted's interview already, so now I'll have to go back and listen to #8 again...


I can’t get podcast 9 to work, but 10 and 8 are fine ????

“I’m using an MP3 format ?” he says uncertainly…………….

What’s wrong netheads ?



Which one did you download, the m4a or the mp3? What player are you trying to use? What operating system are you using?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea now it seems to be working...............................



Something weird happens when I download a .m4a music file like episode 9. As soon as it starts downloading, the filename extension changes as it appends .mp3 to the .m4a extension. So as it is downloading, the filename.extension becomes filename.m4a.mp3. As weird as that is, iTunes cannot open or add the song to the library.

So, as a workaround, I have found that after the download completes, I must change the filename.extension by manually removing the .mp3 from the .m4a extension. The resulting m4a music file then opens and plays normally as expected. I shouldn't have to do this, right?

Does anyone know why an iMac would append .mp3 to .m4a music files while downloading and know how to prevent this from happening?

It's an iMac OS 10.5.8, Safari 4.0.2, iTunes 9.0.1.

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