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I'll burn ya at the stake! But seriously, Jazzmasters do rule.

JakeDobner wrote:

I'll burn ya at the stake! But seriously, Jazzmasters do rule.

Ha! I tried 4 of them since we started the new band. I can't make em work anymore. Mad

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

JakeDobner wrote:

I'll burn ya at the stake! But seriously, Jazzmasters do rule.

Ha! I tried 4 of them since we started the new band. I can't make em work anymore. Mad

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

"But seriously, Jazzmasters do rule."


Have a Jazzmaster and use it occasionally. Also tried out a DePinto, but for me it's the Strat. It holds it tone and mixes well with Jaguar rhythms and some how I've gotten used to the tremolo sensitivity for surf.


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I am almost completely over to acoustic guitars now, but my 2009 (Mexican) Jag is literally a "one electric" guitar. The semi-hot pups sit between a tele and a strat and that works for me...and my son Whatever

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most...

shake_n_stomp wrote:

With the Hang-Ten Hangmen, I use my Oly White Jeff Beck Strat w/ Seymour Duncan SSL-1 single coils. Surf music I play outside of that band would bring in these Classic Players. I bought both retail...the JM in autumn 2015 and the Jag in spring 2016. I ordered a set of Fender Pure Vintage '65s for the Jag.
Currently using 12 rounds on the Jag and 11 rounds on the JM.



Newly refinished. Five pickups in order from the bridge:
1. Bridge hot rails with single coil tap switch.
2. Rose Mariposa single coil for Western twang
3. Middle hot rails with only one coil tapped
4. Belcat single coil (trebly) combines with bridge for round surfy tone
5. Samick single coil (bassy)
Built it myself from individual parts. Tenth (and final?) iteration.


Uh, what strings do you have on that thing?

The strings on it are round wound 50E - 36A - 26D- 16G - 11B - 09E (or 10E)

I prefer 50 for low E. The higher tension makes the sound cleaner. This group of string sizes is not available in sets so I have to buy at least the 50 size by itself (I buy bulk packs of 50s).

Mysteriously this guitar often needs no retuning through 2 hour gigs of riffs and melodies. Even my acoustic guitars (i.e., no vibrato) don't maintain tuning that well.


Last edited: May 10, 2016 11:15:02

I love this thread because it is just "Post a picture of your guitar".

Squid, thanks

Last edited: May 11, 2016 03:35:20

My wife and I just picked up this matching set, it'll be fun putting them through their paces!

Those are rad! A buddy's shop had a light blue one in and a smattering of basses through the years. Onenof my favorites!

Matching Hagstroms, nice!

Almost as many switches as a Jag...

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most...

I'm appreciating how different guitars compliment different subgenres.
Lately been adding a lot of horror-schlock presurf tunes to sets of both combos I play in, and the new-to-me Telecaster with Texas Specials & Bigsby really nails ballsy garage pre-surf grooves like Swanks' "Ghost Train" (esp. neck p'up) but Kurokumo Mosrite Ventures guitar nails the sound of Baron Daemon's "Ghost Guitars" even better.
I find the tunes with more relaxed tempos play better on guitars with silkier strings while more tunes requiring more athletic chops demand higher stringntension of heavy flats and the Jaguar's wide-range p'ups. It's the difference between hi-fi and lo-fi. I've long been a lo-fi player and find hi-fi sound and technique taxing.

Squink Out!

I think my favourite surf guitar is Lorenzo's Red Japanese Fender Jaguar. The mojo just drips off that guitar. Lots of musicians have played it.



Canadian Surf

Recently been playing the Sterling by Music Man Cutlass in Seafoam Green, and the thing just oozes tone. No mods on it, straight from the shop and it played like a beast. The setup was excellent as is the feel of the neck itself. Definitely recommended for anyone who wants a reasonably priced guitar with that cool 60's vibe

shake_n_stomp wrote:

I bought both retail...the JM in autumn 2015 and the Jag in spring 2016. I ordered a set of Fender Pure Vintage '65s for the Jag.

Give the Pure Vintage a try for your JM also; they are very very nice.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

My favorite is definitely the Dipinto - Galaxy IV

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