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Win "At Home With" by Satan's Pilgrims from Green Cookie Records

Green Cookie Records is giving away 3 copies of Satan's Pilgrms' "At Home With..." on CD! Click to enter below!

Green Cookie Records and Satan’s Pilgrims are happy to announce the reissue of “At Home With Satan’s Pilgrims“, the very first full length Pilgrims album originally released in 1994 on eMpTy Records. This album has been long out of print and will now be available again on LP and CD, remastered and with a short run of red colored vinyl copies available!

Even on their first album, the Pilgrims came out of the gate with some of their best loved original songs, such as “Surf Lyre”, “¿Que Honda?”, and “Petty 43”.

The cover songs they chose show their allegiances. Rather than going for the Dick Dale style that was about to reintroduce the world to surf music via “Pulp Fiction” (which was released into theaters not long after the release of “At Home With Satan’s Pilgrims”), the Pilgrims chose a more band oriented style as they covered The Bel-Airs, Eddie & The Showmen, The Rondels/The Challengers, and having three guitars, The Astronauts…natch!

Now here we are in 2018, looking back on the 1990s surf the same way Satan’s Pilgrims and the other 90s bands were looking back to the original 1960s surf for inspiration. Whether you were there in the 60s, 90s, or are just discovering surf, we hope you will enjoy this piece of surf music history.

Album Cover

Contest Dates

This contest ran from October 29, 2018 to November 12, 2018.

Contest Winners

The winners of this contest, selected on Monday, November 12, 2018, are:

Congratulations to the winners!

This contest has 3 comments.


Been a fan for years. Saw Satans Pilgrims live for the first time at the Asbury Park Surf Music Fest! Great band and great festival! The weekend inspired me to start a surf band when I got back home to Texas.

EdBingo | 29-Oct-2018 20:47:56 | Flag

I do have the original cd and so I will not take part in the contest.
Good luck to all the others who want to get it!

tired | 08-Nov-2018 01:06:03 | Flag

John their bassist appeared at my band's latest performance, midway through the final song. Nice to meet him.

Squid | 09-Nov-2018 12:42:15 | Flag

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